Thursday, November 18, 2010

Puppy Love

I was fortunate enough to attend a screening of "Love and Other Drugs" on Monday night. After the movie was finished, Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal appeared for a brief Q&A session. I have always found Jake Gyllenhaal to be attractive on screen. Up close, I was able to come to terms with why: Jake Gyllenhaal looks like a sleepy dog. During the whole interview, he was aloof, coming alive only when questions were thrown his way. His eyes were quite big and kind of droopy, his demeanor slouched. Celebrities are seen as THE beautiful people, the ones we are drawn to for aspiration or lust sake. I am beginning to think it is because they remind us of pleasant forms, complimentary details that are already engraved in our psyche. Sitting in my theater seat, studying Jake, my first thought was "Awww." My second thought was "I want to take you home with me." Pick ups at a Party? Pet Shop browsing? Maybe more synonymous then we think...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. this post makes me think of ac/dc's "given the dog a bone," basically comparing the male singer to a dog who is given a bone(r) by this average-looking but great-head giving girl.
